Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

New Direction!

Guys I thought of something!
I won't just post news. Thats quit boring!
It's a Ninja
I'll post everything I want. Weather it is about Ninjas, bombs, or skillez!
I'll post everything! I hope you enjoy!
It's skillz...or not...
Its an explosion caused by a bomb!

Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

Snow snow snow!

So Germany is all under snow.... Last year started with too much snow (and no salt...) this year ends with it!
Michail Borissowitsch Chodorkowski
Talking of snow! Russia spoke Michail Borissowitsch Chodorkowski guilty for stealing billion of tons of oil. Which is technologically impossible!!! Why should we care? Hmm I guess because that shows how undemocratic Russia truly is! And why should we care if Russia is undemocratic? Well, well, well lets say a dictated state is way stronger in foreign affairs than a democratic! You want a second China? Well than you should just not care! But if you want all people to live free forever go to the streets or whatever platform you might have and demonstrate your power to the Russian government!

For more informations go to:

Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010

What is Krauts Point of view?

Hi there!
This is a new blog informing you not just about what is happening in Germany but also about what Germans think about the news. And of course what I think about what I think about the happenings out there! Therefore this blog will be structured in two parts: One part will be the news how we in Germany get them. The second part will be a comment of myself to that topic. You might now be wondering why I am doing this? Well it is really easy: Media is never independent. Every national media serves you the news in a way as it fits best for your country. Only if we know what every nation is thinking about the news we surely know what really is happening in the world, what our government is really doing. Only ultimate information means true democracy!
Feel free to comment no matter where you are from if Britain, the US, Spain, Japan, Nigeria, China, Mexico, Brazil, Ghana or wherever.
Greetings Kraut